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Category Archives: Executive Functioning

IQ VS Cognition Functions

In the past 10 years, if you are an inquisitive adult, we would have guess that you would have probably had your fair share of IQ tests. Be it physical test papers or the online questionnaires, we’ve all played our part. But how many adults have actually participated in a cognitive assessment before? How far are we in terms of our cognitive functions? Continue reading IQ VS Cognition Functions

Brain Training Boost Brain Ability

To credit: School photo created by master1305 –

As children grow and develop, there are several milestones that they meet in the different growing phases. This growth is not just physical but also encompasses mental development. In fact brain development / Cognitive Development is a field that has been widely discussed in over the years, and brain laboratories are popping up over University Campus all over the world.

For example, Piaget’s theory of cognitive development as discussed earlier, gives us a better understanding on how far our children has come along in their brain development. As adults, we may think ‘Why waste time playing when you should be learning your ABCs,’ but what we may not be aware is that playing is actually an essential part of development.

Continue reading Brain Training Boost Brain Ability

Understanding Working Memory

Ever heard of the term ‘working memory’?

Well basically it is information that our mind retains for a short period of time, such as solving a mental arithmetic sum without utilising pen, paper, calculator or your mobile phone. Continue reading Understanding Working Memory

Childhood Thinking Skills Affect Life Outcomes

Photo Credit: A.D.A.M Inc.

Arthur: Janet N. Zadina, Ph.D. Cognitive Neuroscientist, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

In a study lasting many years, first grade teachers observed a behavior that predicted school and life outcomes. This important behavior is known as executive function, governed by the frontal lobes of the brain. Executive function is observed in early childhood as the ability to control one’s behavior. Researcher Terrie Moffitt reports that, based on teacher observation, the child’s ability to stand in line, raise a hand before speaking, or keep quiet when asked predicted academic achievement, income, criminality, and drug use at age 32.

Continue reading Childhood Thinking Skills Affect Life Outcomes

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