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Attention Boosting Classes in Singapore (Concentration & Focus Training)

Attention & Concentration Improvement Classes to Boost Your Child’s Abilities

Our range of short booster programmes are designed to give a critical boost to key areas to enhance overall performance. With ThinkersBox, your child will be coached by our experts to think and learn effectively. When a child cannot concentrate well, they often lose confidence in their ability to persevere with schoolwork.

Our concentration improvement classes will help your child strengthen and develop a stronger attention span and focus on learning. This will build an essential foundation for your child to absorb new information, retain the knowledge and apply it in their daily lives.

Do(es) any of these describe your child?

  • Easily distracted when doing work
  • Difficulty concentrating on the task for a long period of time
  • Needs frequent breaks when doing work
  • Needs frequent reminders to come back to task
  • Daydreams or loses focus when learning
  • Unable to capture multiple steps of instructions (via visual or auditory input)
  • Lacks interest in the activity
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Repeatedly makes careless errors
  • Inability to stay organised

If you answered YES to any of the above, your child may have underdeveloped or poor attentional abilities that need to be worked on.

Much like working on the physical muscles of our body to improve our physical performance and abilities, we can also zoom in to work on key attentional abilities to help our children improve their focus, increase their concentration span, and boost their ability to pay attention in different learning situations (both within and beyond the classroom).

Why is Concentration Training Important?

Most children can concentrate on activities that are fun and enjoyable. Activities that are stationary, boring, difficult, or less enjoyable are those that challenge a child’s focus. However, the ability to concentrate and sustain attention on all kinds of tasks is crucial, because it helps kids learn and improve, which leads to increased self-confidence and positive self-esteem from a young age.

Attention and concentration are like muscles that require regular exercise and engagement to grow. It is also an important skill for children to acquire due to the challenging demands of school where one must stay seated and focused in classes for extended periods of time. A child’s ability to stay focused and pay attention can be enhanced through mindful practices and guided activities.

Key Highlights of our Attention Booster Training Programme

Targeted Practice to Build Strong Attentional Skills

Using science-backed, in-house designed materials and carefully curated activities and games; our Attention Booster Training Programme will work on various attentional skills such as:

  • Divided Attention
  • Selective Attention
  • Visual Attention
  • Visual Sequence
  • Auditory Attention
  • Auditory Sequence

With progressive, targeted practice; we aim to help learners develop a strong set of attentional skills, so they are able to focus longer and better in all learning situations.

Hands-On Multi-Mode Learning Approach

By providing hands-on activities in all 3 learning modes – Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic (VAK Learning Model), we aim to provide a rich learning environment for our learners.

Besides catering to the child’s preferred style of learning, exposure to the other learning styles will also help them hone and develop a well-rounded multi-mode learning personality that can adapt in various learning situations within and beyond the classroom.

Small Class Size for Active Engagement

With our low trainer to student ratio (1 trainer to max. 6 students), it allows us to engage each learner more actively and assign activities/tasks based on each child’s learning needs and progress.

No two students will be expected to work on the same tasks at the same speed/time, rather, our trained brain coach will be actively moving around and guiding each student on their assigned activity/task for the session.

Positive Outcomes with our Attention Booster Training Programme

√ Increases confidence and independence for learning
√ Longer attention span for tasks
√ Stronger mental stamina for learning
√ Better able to tune out distractions
√ Boosts capacity to take in information for learning (visual and auditory)
√ Increases effectiveness for multi-tasking in learning (i.e., to see/process what’s written on the board and listen/follow the teaching at the same time)
√ Increases happiness for learning and improves stress management

Before enrolling in one of our concentration boosting classes in Singapore, we recommend that you give your child a trial session. These trial sessions give parents a good snapshot of the child’s overall learning and concentration abilities and offer a better idea of which boosting class the child will benefit from the most.

Our attention boosting classes will provide long-term value for your child. Through practical and scientifically backed methods, ThinkersBox will equip your child with the tools they need to become future-ready and brain-smart. Our booster programmes are intensive, highly targeted and stimulating training sessions usually conducted during the school holiday periods. Booster Programmes range in duration from 3 days to 3 weeks long.

How can Parents Play a Part in Improving Concentration & Focus in Kids?

At home, parents can play an important role in improving concentration and focus in your child. As you review the brain exercises and activities taught in class, parents can continue these practices at home with your child and be their trustworthy coach. Encourage your child and track their progress as they improve. Working together is also a win-win as it helps strengthen the parent-child relationship.

Programme Details

Programme Dates: To Be Confirmed
Duration: 1.5hrs per session
No. of Sessions: 10 sessions
Recommended Age Group: 5 to 12 years old (Kindergarten 1 to Primary 6)
Class Ratio: 1 trainer: (up to) 6 kids

Join us for a trial session to understand more.

Send in an enquiry here.

Other Booster Programmes Offered at ThinkersBox:

  1. Fast Thinking Booster Class (5-12 years old)
  2. Visual Thinking Booster Class (5-12 years old)
  3. PSLE– Boost My Brain Performance Intensive Class (11-12 years old)
  4. Brain Boost Play Camp (5-8 years old)


  • Booster Programmes only available at HQ (North Bridge Centre)
  • Schedule and availability of booster programmes may vary based on holiday schedule(s)

If you have any questions about our concentration improvement classes and programmes in Singapore, please fill out an online enquiry form below.

REGISTER for Brain-Boosting Trial Session

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  • attention boosting classes singapore
  • cognitive development classes singapore

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  • 13 Apr, 2022

Got an enquiry?

Should you have any questions about our brain development courses, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Please leave us a message on our online enquiry form about our enrichment classes for kids and we will be in touch.