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Child Development Phase – ‘Terrible Twos’

‘Terrible Twos’. A phase all too common among parents and perhaps one of the more gut twisting conversation mothers might discuss about.

But what exactly is ‘Terrible Twos’? Well when a child goes pass the infancy stage to the pre-symbolic stage, there are many changes taking place in their brain and behaviour.

From being an angel, to what is more commonly known as ‘Terrible Twos’.

Well this is mainly a transition stage as your child goes through to toddlerhood. But what exactly is the cause of parents’ frustration during this phase? We all love our children, but sometimes, the ‘Terrible Twos’ stage puts us at our wits ends. How do we help ourselves? Is this simply just a ‘Terrible’ phase as it is called.

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Careless in School. Help My Child!


Why can’t my child see the difference? Why is he constantly so careless in his work and missing out on important details? Why does he make careless mistakes in his assignments? In modern day terms, most parents would assume that their child is careless.

More often than not, we focus on the aftermath, which is the red markings on the papers and schoolwork.

What are the reasons? Are our children simply careless, or is there more underlying reasons?

Continue reading Careless in School. Help My Child!

Feeding the Young Brain – ‘Praise’

Humans don’t thrive on praise, but a little praise is like an jubilant boost to the brain and a person’s confidence.

There are debates on whether praise is beneficial or detrimental to children. However, the important thing to note is not whether “Should” we praise but “How” and ‘When” we praise children.

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Child Development – (Listening) Auditory Disorder Impacts Learning

Photo Credits: Liberty Speech

Are you listening to me?

Are you doing this on purpose?

Can you please follow the instructions?

Are you guilty of saying of any of these phrases during parenthood?

When young children mispronounce words, more often than not parents will enjoy a good laugh. When children hear us talk, they may try to imitate us in speech.


What if children hear words wrongly and at an alarming frequency?

What if they are unable to comphrehend or follow through with simple instructions?

Continue reading Child Development – (Listening) Auditory Disorder Impacts Learning

IQ VS Cognition Functions

In the past 10 years, if you are an inquisitive adult, we would have guess that you would have probably had your fair share of IQ tests. Be it physical test papers or the online questionnaires, we’ve all played our part. But how many adults have actually participated in a cognitive assessment before? How far are we in terms of our cognitive functions? Continue reading IQ VS Cognition Functions

My Child is Careless – Visual Skills (Visual Discrimination)

Visual skills are important as it can affect an individual’s ability to excel in reading, learning, sports, and in day-to-day activities. We will be touching on one component: Visual Discrimination.

Visual discrimination is a component of visual skills. It is the ability of the individual to distinguish and identify subtle differences, be it in words, shapes, size or patterns or colours. Another easier explanation is how attentive an individual is to details.

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Brain Training On the Go!

While we place emphasis on keeping our mind active and fired up, not all brainy activities must be carried out within the vicinity of the classroom or computer programme. More often than not, we can train our minds on the go.  Continue reading Brain Training On the Go!

Exam Stress Management!

Exams have become a norm in the education system and serves as a gauge of how the child is performing at their studies. While it may not give a full picture of how the child copes with the various subjects, what it does show you is perhaps how far your child has come along in learning, and even show you some of their characteristics.

Undeniably, exam stress does come to most people, be it adult or children as the skill sets varies among individuals, likewise strengths and weaknesses.

For example, in Mathematics, there are questions which require more problem-solving skills, while there are others which may require more meticulous attention and carefulness. Likewise in English or Literature, it may offer you a glimpse of your child’s range of vocabulary and language skills. Art may reflect creativity and perception, while perhaps argumentative essays can highlight your child’s reasoning skills.

While these exams may offer some insight to your child’s personality and learning, it does not reflect the entire makeup of the child.

Continue reading Exam Stress Management!

Brain Training Boost Brain Ability

To credit: School photo created by master1305 –

As children grow and develop, there are several milestones that they meet in the different growing phases. This growth is not just physical but also encompasses mental development. In fact brain development / Cognitive Development is a field that has been widely discussed in over the years, and brain laboratories are popping up over University Campus all over the world.

For example, Piaget’s theory of cognitive development as discussed earlier, gives us a better understanding on how far our children has come along in their brain development. As adults, we may think ‘Why waste time playing when you should be learning your ABCs,’ but what we may not be aware is that playing is actually an essential part of development.

Continue reading Brain Training Boost Brain Ability

Brain Boost Play – Of Dots, Blocks and Boxes

All Work & No Play Makes Jack a DULL BOY.

This is most certainly true for most people but people have different takes on what is suitable for PLAY.

There are perspectives on how traditional play does not encompass the electronic tools of today, while others believe that play equates to outdoor activities. There is also the group that believes that play should be education and the group who believes that play is simply activities that brings joy to the individual.

Continue reading Brain Boost Play – Of Dots, Blocks and Boxes

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