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Category Archives: Brain

Child Development Phase – ‘Terrible Twos’

‘Terrible Twos’. A phase all too common among parents and perhaps one of the more gut twisting conversation mothers might discuss about.

But what exactly is ‘Terrible Twos’? Well when a child goes pass the infancy stage to the pre-symbolic stage, there are many changes taking place in their brain and behaviour.

From being an angel, to what is more commonly known as ‘Terrible Twos’.

Well this is mainly a transition stage as your child goes through to toddlerhood. But what exactly is the cause of parents’ frustration during this phase? We all love our children, but sometimes, the ‘Terrible Twos’ stage puts us at our wits ends. How do we help ourselves? Is this simply just a ‘Terrible’ phase as it is called.

Continue reading Child Development Phase – ‘Terrible Twos’

My Child is Careless – Visual Skills (Visual Discrimination)

Visual skills are important as it can affect an individual’s ability to excel in reading, learning, sports, and in day-to-day activities. We will be touching on one component: Visual Discrimination.

Visual discrimination is a component of visual skills. It is the ability of the individual to distinguish and identify subtle differences, be it in words, shapes, size or patterns or colours. Another easier explanation is how attentive an individual is to details.

Continue reading My Child is Careless – Visual Skills (Visual Discrimination)

Brain Training On the Go!

While we place emphasis on keeping our mind active and fired up, not all brainy activities must be carried out within the vicinity of the classroom or computer programme. More often than not, we can train our minds on the go.  Continue reading Brain Training On the Go!

Brain Boost Play – Of Dots, Blocks and Boxes

All Work & No Play Makes Jack a DULL BOY.

This is most certainly true for most people but people have different takes on what is suitable for PLAY.

There are perspectives on how traditional play does not encompass the electronic tools of today, while others believe that play equates to outdoor activities. There is also the group that believes that play should be education and the group who believes that play is simply activities that brings joy to the individual.

Continue reading Brain Boost Play – Of Dots, Blocks and Boxes

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