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Category Archives: Family

Exam Stress Management!

Exams have become a norm in the education system and serves as a gauge of how the child is performing at their studies. While it may not give a full picture of how the child copes with the various subjects, what it does show you is perhaps how far your child has come along in learning, and even show you some of their characteristics.

Undeniably, exam stress does come to most people, be it adult or children as the skill sets varies among individuals, likewise strengths and weaknesses.

For example, in Mathematics, there are questions which require more problem-solving skills, while there are others which may require more meticulous attention and carefulness. Likewise in English or Literature, it may offer you a glimpse of your child’s range of vocabulary and language skills. Art may reflect creativity and perception, while perhaps argumentative essays can highlight your child’s reasoning skills.

While these exams may offer some insight to your child’s personality and learning, it does not reflect the entire makeup of the child.

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Sun & Fun!

The sun is our all important source of energy. It brings us daylight, powers our solar panels, provides heat, and without it, we would be shivering in the cold and life would die out on earth. Essentially, sunlight is important for the production of Vitamin D in humans. While Vitamin D can be obtained from food consumption, we often do not eat enough to obtain the required levels of Vitamin D. Another note, most of us experience between 50% and 80% of our lifetime sun exposure before age 18 (Learning Vision, 2013). However, the rate at which Vitamin D is produced is affected by skin colour, and darker skin colour takes up to six times longer to produce vitamin D.

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Picky Eater: Mealtime Woes

Parents with very picky children often have to struggle with providing the child a balance meal that is not only nutritious but also tasty.

Be Warned: Getting the food ready is only the first part of the struggle. Continue reading Picky Eater: Mealtime Woes

Work-Life Balance – I Need This!

This is a topic that is probably not foreign to any adult, with or without children. Some might interpret it as no overtime, which is more commonly known as ‘OT’. Well, if you spent most of your time in office doing work, that is definitely not work-life balance, but what exactly does ‘work-life’ balance mean?

‘Work life balance refers to an individual’s ability to balance work and personal commitments. Those who find a healthy balance between work and life achieve a sense of wellbeing and feel that they not only have control over their working life.’ (myVMC, 2010).

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Talking: 2 Way Convo Between Parent & Child

Talking is something that comes naturally to most children. Even in the youngest years, such as baby years, children verbalise through happy gurgles and endless babbling.   Speech itself is one of the milestones in the developmental years. Children are constantly learning, from listening to the adults around them, the sounds that different things make and different tones in speech reflecting various emotions. Continue reading Talking: 2 Way Convo Between Parent & Child

When Teachings Differ – Balance Anyone?

Despite the strict upbringing parents might have during their time of childhood, sometimes this does not apply to their own children when grandparents come into the picture. This is often a topic which brings much controversy to many parents.

In a way, it is a little touchy to begin with.

Continue reading When Teachings Differ – Balance Anyone?

Clean Up

Mess zones. Or perhaps just mess or maybe an atomic explosion (crayon all over the wall perhaps?)

Sometimes it is better to cordon off areas for children to play in to minimise disruptions to daily living space. What about the aftermath of their play?

Well instead of parents being the ones to clean up, why not get the kids to clean up together?

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