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Enhance Effective Learning with Improved Auditory Attention

Auditory Attention is the ability to attend (listen) to information presented aurally. This is an important skill that would enhance effective learning when improved.
Some behaviour manifestations that are observed in children with weak auditory attention is the inability to stay focused in class and follow auditory instructions/directions.

Continue reading Enhance Effective Learning with Improved Auditory Attention

Breaking Down Math Papers

For a number of children at ThinkersBox, Math is one subject that they just can’t seem to love. In this post, we would be breaking down the sections of Math papers and relating it to the skill set required to ace each section. In most Math exams, there a 3 sections to the paper, each requiring the use of a different skill set. Continue reading Breaking Down Math Papers

What is this all about?

Hello there!

This is a blog brought to you by ThinkersBox. ThinkersBox is a company that specializes in cognitive skill set training for children. We believe that in order to help a child learn better, we would first have to understand how the child learns. However having said that, this blog is not created to talk about what we do. It is not about us. What we aim to do with this blog, is to use it as a platform to share with you parents out there some useful resources that would help you understand your child better!

Besides sharing information that will help academically, we would also share some activities that you can do with your child, for example board games recommendations and rainy day activities (stay tuned for that!).

We do hope that you would find these articles and activities useful.

For more information about what we do and the programmes we offer, do visit our website at


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