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A good board game has many benefits. It enhances learning, is fun and engaging, and families can bond over them! Now, that’s killing 3 birds with a stone. So, here’s the next question, “What is a good board game?”
In this post, we’ve compiled a list of favourite games that our students (5-12 years old) love to play! This is not an advertorial post, just a sharing of resources.
For younger students (5-8 years old)
#1. Pictureka!
- This comes right on top of the list, for all age groups!
- Pictures are quirky and fun, that some kids just laugh just by looking at it
- Finding pictures helps children to practice their ability to discriminate visual information and attend to visual stimulus
- This improves reading skills
- Here’s the link to the Pictureka! website, where online game demo and game instructions are made available!
#2. Enchanted Forest
- Similar to Snakes & Ladder, students would move their pieces around the board to uncover treasures that they are supposed to find
- This game trains basic arithmetic calculations (counting numbers on dice), fine motor skills (moving the pieces) and visual discrimination (finding the right treasure)
#3. Guess What I Am?
- An exciting game with colourful character cards
- This game increases the child’s general knowledge about occupations and animals
- Improves the ability to express themselves accurately
- Here’s the link to their website, where free downloads and instructions are available!
#4. Stacrobats
- Relatively simple game, where students link the acrobats and stack them one after another
- This game improves fine motor skills which is especially useful for younger kids and it promotes the use of creativity
- Fine motor skills are needed for writing and copying

#5. Tall Tales
- A story telling game that promotes creative use of language
- Illustrations are attractive and colourful
- This game also improves visual sequencing (sequence of the story told represented by cards)
For older students (9 to 12 years old)
#1. Pictureka!
#2. DisX
- 2 to 4 players
- It is a game that trains a child’s implication (seeing consequences beyond their decision) skills
- This skill promotes making the right decisions
#3. Spy Sight
- 2 players
- The game that keeps students deep in thoughts!
- Playing this game trains a child’s implication skills and evaluation skills
- Improving these skills helps the child evaluate their options and make sound and logical decisions
#4. FITS
- Similar to Tetris, students are to fit the given pieces onto their board
- 1-4 players
- Students often express their frustration in the initial stages, followed by perseverance to complete the puzzle and a sense of accomplishment when the puzzle is completed!
- This game trains the child’s transformation (ability to see the pieces in different perspectives) skills
- This skill is needed to solve geometric questions
- A game of building empires
- 2-4 players
- Logical reasoning skills are required to win the game
- Students would have to plan their moves ahead
- These skills are necessary for problem solving
Although not an entirely comprehensive list of board games, we do hope that you’ll find this useful for choosing a good board game!