Our Online Brain Booster Training Programme utilises a scientifically backed approach to stimulate key cognitive functions and improve brain performance. With a patented teaching methodology, we help our young learners strengthen key cognitive skills required for everyday learning. Through an integrated blend of progressive and challenging mental training exercises, students will experience improvements to their mental performance and enhance their overall learning efficiency.
Using a range of gamified modules, online quizzes and learning platforms; learners will be having fun while working hard on their thinking muscles to improve their overall brain performance for higher interest and confidence for learning within and beyond the classroom.
Our Online Brain Booster Training Programme adopts a small class ratio so students are not kept waiting and will be actively engaged with the activities throughout the session. For students in Kindergarten 1 to Primary 2, there will be up to 2 students in a class with 1 trainer. For students in Primary 3 to Primary 6, there will be up to 3 students in a class with 1 trainer.
Our qualified brain coach will provide immediate feedback and prompts to draw out inputs from the students on the spot in order to guide them through their thinking processes and provide close supervision for each student’s progression through the modules and activities.
Having a strong memory is a key catalyst for successful learning as this skill helps our brain store and consolidate information effectively. A child with poor memory will face difficulty in retrieving information that was learnt previously (resulting in unnecessary drilling and repetition) and may also find it challenging to keep in mind multiple-step instructions given. Having a strong capacity for retention makes it easier for the learner to retrieve and recall information when needed and reduces the need for repetition on the same tasks/concepts.
Having good attention and focus is an essential skill for higher complexity processes such as memory and planning. Elimination is a prerequisite for focus. This means that to effectively focus on a task, a child will have to ignore external stimuli (distractions) and direct his cognitive resources to achieve a particular task. A child with poor focus will be easily distracted and may take a longer time to complete the given tasks. Through our Online Brain Booster programme, we will work with your child to strengthen their awareness to distractions and be able to tune them out more effectively.
Brain processing speed is a core cognitive process required in all aspects of learning (both within and outside of the classroom). It is about the efficiency of the brain, how quickly the learner can understand and respond to the information presented. A child with slow processing speed will face difficulty in making decisions, executing tasks and may take a longer time to grasp new concepts and ideas. Our trained Brain Coaches will provide progressively more challenging brain-based activities to stimulate and increase the speed at which the learner reacts, thinks, and responds. Through our Online Brain Booster programme, we aim to boost your child’s speed of learning, so they can absorb and grasp new concepts in a more time-efficient manner.
Our brains use visual processing skills to make sense of the world around us and what our eyes see. These skills are needed for daily learning activities such as reading, writing, copying and visualisation. A learner with strong visual processing skills will be better able to organise and interpret visual inputs into meaningful information (i.e., reading a story accurately and making sense of it). A child who has not developed good eye movement, eye teaming, and eye focusing skills will often have increased difficulty with visual-related tasks.
When a child is behind in visual processing skills development, learning can take longer and thus requiring more cognitive effort that slows down the learning process. Our Online Brain Booster programme targets and strengthens key visual processing skills such as Visual Tracking, Visual Observation, Visual Spatial and more. With targeted visual practice, our learners will be able to read more effectively, be more careful in their tasks and absorb visual information much faster.
Programme Dates: Ongoing
Frequency: Once a week, 45 minutes per lesson
No. of Sessions: 4 lessons per month
Recommended Age Group: 5 to 12 years old (Kindergarten 1 to Primary 6)
Class Ratio:
1 trainer: (up to) 2 students (K1-P2)
1 trainer: (up to) 3 students (P3-P6)
Class Levels Grouping: K1-K2 / P1-P2 / P3-P4 / P5-P6
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Should you have any questions about our brain development courses, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Please leave us a message on our online enquiry form about our enrichment classes for kids and we will be in touch.